Prof. Dr. Erkan Türkmen

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Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi

The Essence Of Rumi's Masnevi Including His Life And Works

Prof. Dr. Erkan Türkmen'in 8 yıllık yoğun bir çalışma sonucu meydana getirdiği İngilizce eseri.

The Essence Of Rumi's Masnevi Including His Life And Works
  • Kitap Adı: The Essence Of Rumi's Masnevi Including His Life And Works
  • Yazar: Prof. Dr. Erkan Türkmen
  • ISBN: 9759563002
  • Açıklamalar:

    The Essence of Rumi's Masnavi It is a remarkable research in English on Rumi that covers the period in which Rumi lived and the teachings of Rumi's father,his disciple Brurhaneddin Tirmizi and Rumi' Master Shams. Then the best verses of Rumi's Masnavi follow in original form (Persian), corrected under the light of authentic MSS.Then the English translation of the verses is given in two parts: a)Literal translation of the verses b)The commentary of the same based on the best commentaries written in Urdu,Persian, Turkish(Ottoman) and English.


    Rumi’s actual name was Jalal al-Din Muhammed and his titles are: Mevlana (Our master), Khudavendigar (Per ., the Lord), Rumi (Per., the Anatolian).

    In Turkey he is known simply as Mevlana while in Europe as Rumi. In India, Pakistan and Iran he is famous with these titles: Mowlana-yi Rum, Mowlevi-yi Manevi (the spiritual master) and sometimes as Mollayi or Molla-yi Rum. Since he was born at Balhk (or at a small town called Wakhsh near Balkh)1* in the year A.D. 1207, an epiphet “Balkhi = from Balkh” is added to his name. In his lyrical poetry Rumi uses the pseudonym “Kamush =  Silent” 2*. His mother’s name was Mumine Khatun while his father was known as Muhammed Baha al-Din Veled Sultan ul-Ulama (the Sultan of the learned).

    Rumi passed away on 17 December 1273. The whole town of  (Konya) burned with the grief of losing the fountain of spiritual water which served to quench their thirst for esoteric knowledge. This is the statement of Eflaki about the day:

    “The Christians, Jews, Arabs, Turks, all nations and religious leaders as well as rulers were there to join his funeral.All went in front of the funeral holding their books in their hands according to their own customs. They were reciting verses from the Psalms, the Old Testament and were crying. The Muslims could not stop them by even force.Finally, the king and master Pervane heard this.He called the religious leaders and asked them, “What involvement do you have in this event?” They answered: He the king of religions was our leader and guide. We learnt about Christ, Moses and other Prophets from his clear statements; and we saw in him all the characteristics of the prophets we read about in our books.You Muslims regard him as the prophet of the day,we think of him as the Moses or the Christ of the day. We are a thousand times more obedient and better followers of  Rumi than you are. As he (Rumi) said:

    “Seventy two (many) nations heard secrets from us, we are like the Ney (flute) that produces hundreds of sounds from one key” (Eflaki, 3/580).

    For Rumi, death was like a wedding-night (Shab-i Arus) when a lover meets his beloved. Rumi suggests the mourners not to be sorry for his death, because love can never be buried:

    “When you see my funeral,don’t say ‘What a seperation?’
    It is time for me to visit and meet Beloved,
    Since you have seen my descent ,then do see my rising,
    Why complain about the setting of the moon and the sun?
    Which seed that went under the earth failed to grow up again?
    Then why should you feel doubt about this seed (the corpse)?”.

    (Divan, p. 367)